

Welcome! This collection of my favorite customer service quotes is part of my Management & Leadership Quotes series.

Author/Contributor: Greg Parsons


Be so nice to your customers/guests that they won’t believe it.

- Lee Cockerell

If you don’t do something special for your guests (or customers), they won’t remember you.

- Fred Lee

Never kowtow to unreasonable people.

- Tim Ferriss

There is no way that the quality of customer service can exceed the quality of the people who provide it.

- Lee Cockerell

No matter what business you’re in, great service is a competitive advantage that cost you little or nothing but adds huge value for your customer.

- Lee Cockerell

Your best guarantee of good customer service is happy employees.

- Cy Charney

Everyone in the company should be considered part of the customer service department.

- Lee Cockerell

Treat customers and employees like guests in your home.

- David J. Schwartz

Do you thoroughly educate your employees before turning them loose on customers?

- Lee Cockerell

If you want your customers to experience excellent service, pay close attention to every decision you make, every policy you announce, every procedure you introduce, every person you hire, every promotion you award, every email you send, every conversation you have, every hand you shake, and every back you slap.

- Lee Cockerell

I highly recommend bringing all your employees together to list the customer service issues they’ve encountered most frequently.

- Lee Cockerell

Every business should keep a log of customer complaints.

- Lee Cockerell

At companies with reputations for outstanding customer service, managers are always out there getting their hands dirty.

- Lee Cockerell

The ideal tech geeks in your company are not just an expert in technology but are also caring individuals that understand the value of customer service.

- Lee Cockerell

The only difference between merely satisfactory delivery and great delivery is attention to detail.

- Richard Branson

When you win an argument with a customer, in reality you’ve both lost.

- Lee Cockerell

Never forget that your customers pay your salary.

- unknown

Most people are far more reasonable after a cooling-down period.

- Lee Cockerell

Make every interaction count, even the small ones. They are all relevant.

- Shep Hyken

Customer service is often about striking a balance between forcing adherence to strict policies and procedures and provider exceptional service.

- unknown

Exceptional customer service will require "taking the high road" fairly often.

- unknown

Smile while you are on the phone. Your smile will carry to your voice.

- unknown

The Customer Service team should always be involved in continuous improvement and process re-engineering efforts.

- unknown

The best customer service is if the customer doesn't need to call you, doesn't need to talk to you. Everything just works.

- Jeff Bezos

Before you hit send on an angry or condescending email that you have drafted, stop and re-read the email. Ask yourself, do I really want to send this email, and it will actually accomplish something?

- unknown

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and just 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.

- Warren Buffet

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

- Bill Gates

Customer service should not be a department. It should be the entire company.

- Tony Hsieh

Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.

- Walt Disney

Make a customer, not a sale.

- Katherine Barchetti

There is only one boss. The customer―and he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.

- Sam Walton